Saturday, April 23, 2011


Hello friends!
This is kind of an explanation on why I'm starting a blog.
I've never been into the whole blog thing, and I've always been to ADD to sit down and actually write my thoughts out. And mostly, I don't think that many people will care to sit and read what I have to say.
But anyway, this summer, from May 25 until August 7, I will be serving the Lord by being on staff at Centri-Kid camps. I have the BEST job ever...I get to play with kids all summer while teaching them about Jesus.  I get to love Jesus WITH them!
So I will be super busy this summer, and needing to solely rely on the Lord for my strength and focus. Even though I won't have much time for internet things, I have decided that Facebook could become a distraction to me if I am constantly receiving updates and wanting to check to see what everyone is up to this summer.
On May 25 (the day I fly out to my camp), I will be disabling my Facebook for the duration of my time with Centri-Kid.   However, I am doing a little photo project on Facebook, and I know that my family would like to keep up with me, so I have created this blog for that purpose!
On some weekends (I would like to say "all weekends", but I doubt it will happen), I will post a weeks worth of photos as well as what the Lord is teaching me and doing in my life!
I hope this is a way to stay connected to everyone I love throughout the summer!  Of course, I want to know what Jesus is showing you, so please feel free to always comment and email me!

Your brother in Christ,

PS.  This is a really cool verse the Lord showed me this morning:
"but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts." 1 Thessalonians 2:4