Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Compared to the Hulk...I've got work to do.

I have committed to regularly working out for the first time in my whole life. For those who know how much I absolutely hate working out this is a big deal.  Regardless, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I can be found in the Baptist Healthplex on campus shaking and crying trying to lift weights.
I really enjoy all of the work out machines.  I can set them on the weight that I'm comfortable with, and nobody knows how much or how little I'm lifting.  It's a pretty good situation for a skinny guy who still wants to impress people in the gym.  
But then, there's the free weight section. I save this section for the last part of my workout. It takes me a long time to work up the nerve to even walk over there.  This is where all the massive beasts of the gym live. I swear it's the same people over there every time I go.  By the size and cut of their muscles, I'm pretty sure they spend every part of their day in that section.

This morning, I finally psyched myself up enough to go over there and grab some weights beside a guy who had biceps the size of my head. We'll call him Hulk. I snuck over and picked up my weights (I'm not even going to tell you how much they would judge me.).  I looked over and Hulk had just picked up two weights...each weighing 75 pounds each. Okay. This guy was lifting more than I even weighed.  What in the world was I doing even daring to be in the same gym with this guy?   I'm pretty sure Hulk was starting on his 1000 rep when my arms started to shake after maybe 10.  Every part of me wanted to put the weights up, call it a day, and hit the smoothie shop.  
But then I stopped to think.  Why was I comparing myself to Hulk?  He had probably been lifting weights since he could crawl. I only started a few weeks ago.   Besides, I had improved.  I was already lifting heavier weights than when I started in August.   Sure, I wouldn't win any spontaneous wrestling matches or be the attention-catcher of any girl in the area, but I was doing what I needed to improve and get to the level of Hulk. (Okay...that may never happen, but a man can dream!)
As ridiculous as this all sounds, we have all done a similar thing in our spiritual life. I know that I have looked at other men of God, and compared my faith and relationship with Christ with the amount of wisdom they seemed to have.  That is not okay. A relationship with Christ is a journey. If we are doing what we are supposed to, we should always be growing in that relationship.  We are all at different parts of our maturity level with God.  
1 Peter 2:2 says, "Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up in salvation."
Babies crave milk and that milk helps them grow.  That spiritual milk that we should crave is our time spent with God and intentionally spending time and growing our relationship with him. 
Be careful not to compare yourself with someone who may seem more mature in their relationship with Christ.  Stand firm. Work on yourself and spend time with God to improve and eventually you will get to that level. 

And if you can lift 75 pounds, don't come to the gym when I'm there. Hulk is enough competition. 


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