Tuesday, June 26, 2012

CentriKid LIVE!

Would you like to see what my average night is like at CentriKid Camps? How about seeing a video about what CentriKid camps is all about?  Then tune into CENTRIKID LIVE!  It will be a live web stream of our worship service with Jon Merryman and Jeff Slaughter beginning with a promo of camp. My team is pumped about being able to be filmed for this big event!
This is taken from the CentriKid Blog:

"That's right...for the second year in a row, we are pleased to announce we are bringing backCentriKid LIVE! Over 1000 of you joined us last year for our first ever broadcast of CentriKid Camps. We had so much fun, we decided to do it again! This is a perfect opportunity for your friends that have never experienced CentriKid Camps to find out, for themselves, all the fun that happens at camp! And the best part is, no one has to even leave the living room.  Even better,  several churches last year logged on from their church and turned their Wednesday service into a CentriKid Camp party! The broadcast this year is set to include details on what a typical day of camp looks like, the exclusive reveal of the 2013 camp theme, the live broadcast of that night's worship service, and a few other surprises. This is an event you don't want to miss!We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, June 27th at 6:45PM EST.....Game On!"

So go to CentrikidBlog.com tomorrow and be sure to tune in!  

Monday, June 25, 2012

CentriKid Camps Update 1

Phew!  These past two and a half weeks of being at Ridgecrest have been a blur. Overall, my team has made it through training, two full cycles of camp, and seen God do a lot of ridiculously crazy things.
I am constantly reminded that God is unbelievable.  I am so blessed.  I feel like God has created me and has given me specific passions and abilities to be used here at camp.  My job is to get to teach kids about Jesus. I get the privilege to teach drama and act like a crazy person onstage for the Glory of God. How mind-blowing is that?!
Our camp schedule is a little hectic.  Our Cycle 2 kids left this morning, and our Cycle 3 kiddos will show up tomorrow after lunch, so I don't have much time to blog, call my peeps, or do things that I would like to do to catch up with everyone. So unfortunately, a longer blog post giving specifics about what is going on here. But, here's some pictures of what's happened in my life in the past few weeks.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Still tied to the dock?

I am currently sitting in the Waynesboro McDonald's doing my quiet time and doing some camp prep. (I'm also getting some pretty funny looks because "doing work" in a restaurant or coffee shop is just not apart of the culture here).
I've been reading through Oswald Chamber's "My Utmost for His Highest" this year, and I absolutely love how he puts things and gives insight into the spiritual life.  As I'm getting ready to leave for camp in two days, both physically and spiritually, Chamber's reading for today really puts some things into focus for me.  I'm not normally a fan of some illustrations, but I feel like Chambers captures our need to be proactive in our faith extremely well with his illustration of being tied to the dock. Here is the excerpt from "My Utmost:"

Determine to know more than others. If you yourself do not cut the lines that tie you to the dock, God will have to use a storm to sever them and to send you out to sea. Put everything in your life afloat upon God, going out to sea on the great swelling tide of His purpose, and your eyes will be opened. If you believe in Jesus, you are not to spend all your time in the calm waters just inside the harbor, full of joy, but always tied to the dock. You have to get out past the harbor into the great depths of God, and being to know things for yourself-- being to have spiritual discernment. 
When you know you should do a thing, and do it, immediately you know more. Revise where you have become stodgy spiritually, and you will find it goes back to a point where there was something you knew you should do, but you did not do it because there seemed no immediate call to, and now you have no perception, no discernment; at a time of crisis you are spiritually distracted instead of spiritually self-possessed. It is a dangerous thing to refuse to go on knowing.
The counterfeit of obedience is a state of mind in which you work up occasions to sacrifice yourself; ardour is mistaken for discernment. It is easier to sacrifice yourself than to fulfil your spiritual destiny, which is stated in Romans 12:1-2. It is a great deal better to fulfil the purpose of God in your life by discerning His will than to perform great acts of self-sacrifice. “To obey is better than sacrifice.” Beware of harking back to what you were once when God wants you to be something you have never been. “If any man will do . . . he shall know.”

Taken from myutmost.org

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mail Time!

Want to make my day sometime this summer? There are few things that I enjoy more than a handwritten (or even typed) letter, note, or card! There's just something about getting mail that makes the day a lot better.
Now almost every day for the next two months, I'm going to be running around acting like a crazy person with kiddos.  So if you want to make me one happy staffer, drop me a line (or even some cookies) and it will be greatly appreciated!
Here are the addresses where you can reach me this summer:

From June 10-July 16:
CentriKid 1
c/o Micheal Walley
Ridgecrest Conference Center
PO Box 128
Ridgecrest, NC 28770

From July 16-August 3:
CentriKid 1
c/o Micheal Walley
Norman Park Conference Center
PO Box 199
4243 Highway 319 N.
Norman, Park GA 31771