Sunday, April 1, 2012

Let me call you sweetheart...

If there’s one thing that is awesome about Shawreth (and let’s get real---I think there are a lot of things awesome about Shawreth), it’s our sweethearts.  

These girls are the honorary female members of our men’s club (bless their hearts). I don’t think they could ever know how much they mean to the 65 guys in Shawreth. They bring some fresh air to our man-stank, put up with rowdy things like chairs being thrown, always are there to give advice, and even sometimes make cookies. But while all of those things are awesome, the reason they are the best is because each one of them is an example to us of what a true woman of God is supposed to be.  My time in Shawreth would not be nearly the same without Kathryn, Holly, Erin, and Whitney and what they mean to my life!
Now is an extra-exciting time in Shawreth, because last night at formal, the freshmen class announced the new Shawreth sweetheart: Anne Marie Parke! 

(I stole this picture from Caroline Wyatt's Facebook...thanks!)
 The decision on who is to be sweetheart is never taken lightly.  So much prayer and thought goes into the process.  Without a doubt, Anne Marie is the girl that God chose to bring into our club, and we couldn’t be happier about it!  Welcome to Shawreth!
Thank you, Holly, Erin, Whitney and Anne Marie and what you mean in the lives of the guys of Shawreth!
(thanks to Chesney Tedder for the last two pictures)

1 comment:

  1. Hector G. Tanco "THE PUERTO RICAN"April 1, 2012 at 3:57 AM

    Hey Shawreezy Boys!!!!! I am so excited that you guys have added another beautiful lady into the Shawreth Order. Hey shout out to my Baby Actives for picking such a sweet Sweetheart! Sorry for being corny. I love the decision and know that she will be a freakin Awesome SWEETHEART!! Even though I am a Civitan-type-of-guy, I appreciate and love y'all. Yes, I used the word y'all which I told myself that I would never use. Got to love that South though, and got to LOVE ME SOME SHAWREEZY Bros!!!!!!!!!!!!!
