I feel like I have changed more this year than any year in my life. With that, so many discoveries have happened. Here a few of the ones I can think of while lying on the couch:
In 2011, I have discovered that...
...I am not called to be a music major.
...I Kissed Dating Goodbye is a horrible book.
...God had been preparing me my whole life to work CentriKid.
...I should always bring Q-tips to OMC to get shaving cream out my ears.
...I cannot be in two, three, or four places at once.
...I can be comforted in the fact that God has called me to do something, though I haven't discovered what that is yet.
...It's okay not to be involved and in charge of every single thing.
...It's not okay to not give 100% in everything I am involved in.
...Being intentional with people is not just a camp thing, it's a life thing.
...Accountability is so important in Christian relationships with people.
...I cannot do everything alone. I have to get over myself and let someone help me.
...Pinelake is the church God has called me to get involved with.
...Cups has a student coffee for $1.44.
...God has blessed me with amazing people in my life.
This is no where near an exhaustive list of all the things I have discovered this past year, but I can say each one of these has shaped me into the Micheal Walley I am right now.
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